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Micro Stem FUE

The Micro Stem FUE technique has the following steps:

  1. A microscope is used to select the best and most complete hair follicles (FUG) before transplantation.
  2. The drilling method and the size of the incision use a specially small punch as small as 0.6 mm, resulting in even smaller incisions.
  3. The highest standard stem cell and hair root cell solution is used to nourish and prepare the grafts / FUG clusters before transplantation.

Every step is performed and supervised by experienced doctors and staff at Dr. Gorn Hair Clinic.

Micro Stem FUE (Shaven) Technique

It is a global standard technique used worldwide for hair transplantation by transferring hair follicle cells without cutting the scalp into long strips, unlike the traditional Strip FUT method. Therefore, no visible scars will be left. This technique uses a punch tool with a diameter of 0.6 – 0.8 millimeters to extract hair follicle units from the donor area before transplanting them to the desired location. This method ensures there are no long scars at the extraction site, and the healing process leaves minimal marks, requiring a short recovery time.

The procedures for Micro Stem FUE (Shaven) are as follows:

  • Punch Excision: Extracting hair grafts individually by drilling each root.
  • Graft Preparation: Sorting hair grafts into three types based on the number of follicle units in each graft.
  • Graft Storage: Immersing hair grafts in nutrient-rich solution to preserve the quality of the follicle cells.
  • Graft Implantation: Planting hair grafts onto the desired area of the scalp or the designated region.

The Advantages of Micro Stem FUE (Shaven)

  • The easiest wound care 
  • Faster than Non-shaven FUE 
  • Recovery within 1-2 days 
  • Small wound size of just 0.6-0.8mm 
  • Newly grown hair is strong and natural

Micro Stem FUE (Non-Shaven) Technique

This is an advanced technique for hair root cell transplantation using the Micro Stem FUE(Non-Shaven) method, which is stitch-free and does not require shaving the hair. Instead, scissors are used to trim only the area where the hair root cells are needed, allowing the incisions to be hidden within the hair at the nape of the neck. After the transplantation, the hair appears normal. This procedure is challenging and requires the high expertise of doctors and experienced hair transplant teams. Since there are many long hairs mixed in the area where the hair follicles are to be extracted, graft collection with this method requires extra care.

The procedures for Micro Stem FUE (Non-Shaven) are as follows:

  • Punch Excision: Extracting hair grafts individually by drilling each root.
  • Graft Preparation: Sorting hair grafts into three types based on the number of follicle units in each graft.
  • Graft Storage: Immersing hair grafts in nutrient-rich solution to preserve the quality of the follicle cells.
  • Graft Implantation: Planting hair grafts onto the desired area of the scalp or the designated region.

The Advantages of Micro Stem FUE (Non-Shaven)

  • No need to shave hair 
  • Can resume normal activities after the procedure
  • Immediate visibility of hair density after the procedure 
  • Ability to determine the direction of hair immediately visible 
  • Quick wound healing, less recovery time than Micro Stem FUE (Shaven)